May 2, 2021: Fifth Sunday of Easter
Dear Parishioners:
Hopefully, everyone is enjoying the wonderful spring weather these days. It seems like everything is coming back to life in more ways than one, as slowly we are seeing activities increase all around us. Inside the church is no different. This week we celebrated four Confirmation ceremonies for our eighth graders who were prepared for the Sacrament. Next week we will celebrate four more and all of our Confirmation Candidates will be confirmed and now fully initiated in our Catholic Church. Like the Confirmation ritual says, the sacrament is not just for their own good, but for the good of the parish and the whole Church. We all look forward to and expect great things from this Confirmation group.
At the same time, our First Holy Communions will be moving forward, as well. We will have smaller groups than usual, therefore, more of them, nonetheless, our young boys and girls will be receiving Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time. This is significant because not only is it a Sacrament, but like all who receive the Eucharist, they will be entering into the “New and Eternal Covenant that Jesus formed with his followers who eat his Body and drink his Blood. This is an important moment in their lives, the lives of their families, and the whole church! Congratulations to them as well!
Please remember, also, that we are still very much in the midst of the Easter Season, the season of rebirth and new life. While ordinarily at Mass we would be sprinkling with holy water as a reminder to us of our own baptisms and renew our own baptismal promises, due to the restrictions this year, we are not able to, but I encourage everybody to simply reflect on their own baptism and the baptisms of their loved ones. These were the most important days of our lives! We pay particular attention to that this time of year.
Again, this is a wonderful time of year in both the church and outside it. Enjoy it and know that I continue to offer you Easter prayers and blessings!
Fr. Marc A. Vicari,
April 25, 2021: Fourth Sunday of Easter
Dear Parishioners:
Hopefully, everyone is enjoying the wonderful spring weather these days. It seems like everything is coming back to life in more ways than one, as slowly we are seeing activities increase all around us.
Inside the church is no different. This week we celebrated four Confirmation ceremonies for our eighth graders who were prepared for the Sacrament. Next week we will celebrate four more and all of our Confirmation Candidates will be confirmed and now fully initiated in our Catholic Church. Like the Confirmation ritual says, the sacrament is not just for their own good, but for the good of the parish and the whole Church. We all look forward to and expect great things from this Confirmation group.
At the same time, our First Holy Communions will be moving forward, as well. We will have smaller groups than usual, therefore, more of them, nonetheless, our young boys and girls will be receiving Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time. This is significant because not only is it a Sacrament, but like all who receive the Eucharist, they will be entering into the New and Eternal Covenant that Jesus formed with his followers who eat his Body and drink his Blood. This is an important moment in their lives, the lives of their families, and the whole church! Congratulations to them as well!
Please remember, also, that we are still very much in the midst of the Easter Season, the season of rebirth and new life. While ordinarily at Mass we would be sprinkling with holy water as a reminder to us of our own baptisms and renew our own baptismal promises, due to the restrictions this year, we are not able to, but I encourage everybody to simply reflect on their own baptism and the baptisms of their loved ones. These were the most important days of our lives! We pay particular attention to that this time of year.
Again, this is a wonderful time of year in both the church and outside it. Enjoy it and know that I continue to offer you Easter prayers and blessings!
Fr. Marc A. Vicari
April 18, 2021: Third Sunday of Easter
Dear Parishioners:
Easter greetings! I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has made this Easter Season such a beautiful one. The joy and excitement displayed by so many, especially our families during the holy days of a couple weeks ago, have not been evident like I witnessed in a long time. It really was a joy-filled time and that sign of joy and hope was a great gift to all, as it is infectious.
Thank you, also, for your continued support of the Parish both financially and spiritually. As of today, we are at 82% of our Annual Appeal goal ($67,500 of $82,300), which is great. My hope is that we will have our goal pledged and received by June 30, 2021, so that we can receive a 2% assessment reduction for next fiscal year (starting July 1). This 2% saving means about $15,000 to our Parish.
More importantly, your spiritual support has been unparalleled, as our office and I have received numerous calls, cards, and letters of prayerful support, not only during these days around Easter, but especially during this whole pandemic year. Thank you!
Lastly, I know there are many fine parishes and parochial schools very nearby, but you come to St. Cassian Church or School, so I want to say a truly heart-felt “thank you” for being a Parishioner here!
Prayerfully and with great gratitude,
Rev. Marc A. Vicari,
April 11, 2021: Divine Mercy
Dear Parishioners:
Easter greetings to all of you. He is Risen. He is truly Risen!
I wanted to take this opportunity to say what a wonderful Holy Week and Triduum we just celebrated last week. I told a friend the other day that this was probably the nicest and most memorable Holy Week I remember. Some of you told me the same thing and it is probably because, not only did we not celebrate at all in person last year, but the fact that so many people were so joy-filled in being able to return to church; there really was a sense of exultation.
While the number of people attending Mass was more than we have seen since last year, it was so edifying to see so many people (and families) returning to church to all the different Masses and Good Friday service. In some ways, I believe it is a perfect example of “absence making the heart grow fonder!”
I am also very thankful that just about everyone signed up to attend the events online. This was very helpful in letting us to prepare for the Mass and make sure that we had chairs/seating and the downstairs prepared for overflow in case we needed it. I ask you to please continue to register for Masses.
At the same time, I would ask that everyone please be very aware of the distancing obligation that we still have in place. I don’t want anyone to feel too comfortable in being “too close” to others, as that may make others uncomfortable. Everyone has been very good at wearing masks and sanitizing their hands, but I ask that everyone be vigilant in being aware of the space between them and their neighbor. It is also very nice to see you all moving in or around to accommodate others at Mass, especially those who come a little later.
I use this, message, also, to give everyone an update about our Annual Appeal. Recall about two months ago, I showed the Annual Appeal video at Mass and explained all the ways that the Appeal helps the marginalized in our Archdiocese, as they were especially hit hard during the last year’s pandemic. Our goal is $82,300 for the campaign and so far we have received $63,000 in pledges. This is very good news so far. At the same time, I would like to encourage those who have not yet given to the Appeal to consider doing so. We are hoping to have the $82,300 pledged and received by the end of the church’s fiscal year of June 30, 2021. If we reach this goal by then, we will receive a 2% reduction in next year’s assessments to be paid (a savings of about $15,000!). Any monies received above our goal comes directly back to St. Cassian Parish to be used as we need! Please give to this important cause and help the marginalized and at the same time benefit our Parish’s finances for next year.
A special thank you to those of you who have contributed so generously to our Building and Maintenance Fund (B+M) as well as the Legacy Fund. Both allow us to earmark monies for particular items and projects needed by the Parish to be funded directly. B+M helps with the general costs of maintaining the property and the expenses of running the Parish. The Legacy Fund is used for particular needs, such as projects or specific items that are needed. Because these are “restricted” funds, they are not assessed by the Archdiocese at the regular 18% rate.
Finally, this Sunday we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday, on the 2nd Sunday of Easter. This week, we particularly highlight the Mercy of our God, which very much goes hand-in-hand with the salvation won for us by the Paschal Mystery. Hopefully, we find great comfort in knowing that God loves us so much that his “mercy endures forever.” Our prayers and Mass readings emphasize God’s mercy this weekend.
May the joy of the Easter Season remain with you these days.
Fr. Marc A. Vicari,
April 4, 2021: Easter
Dear Parishioners:
Alleluia and Happy Easter!
Alleluia because it is appropriate to “Praise the Lord” on this day for the great gift of eternal life that Jesus has won for us after first dying on the cross to pay for our sins. We praise Him for His goodness to us.
We say Happy Easter because we Christians celebrate this commemoration of the Resurrection of Jesus, but we also know that because Jesus opened up Heaven by conquering death, He lead the way for us to be resurrected, too. He was raised body and soul and we celebrate with the sure and certain hope that we will, too.
We “had given up” the word “alleluia” for the season of Lent to focus on our sins and our increase in holiness and love of neighbor. Now, we joyfully celebrate that Jesus has been raised and our day should be filled with joy.
It is no coincidence that this season of rebirth sees the ground come to life with plants and flowers and a spirit of optimism. This time last year, we were in the midst of fear and trepidation and uncertainty. Conversely, this year we are full of hope and joy and we robustly celebrate that Jesus overcame death and gives us life.
Again, I say: Alleluia and Happy Easter!
Fr. Marc A. Vicari,