Children’s Liturgy of the Word
We are always looking for volunteers! Contact Nick Fallivene: 973-744-2850 ex. 5060
A large number of children participate in the 9:00 am liturgy every week.
Children in Grades Third through Fifth are invited to be part of our Children’s Liturgy program. The program is divided into three groups that meet each Sunday during the 9:00 AM Mass. Our Director of Religious Education, Mary Flanagan and two trained volunteers discuss the theme of Sunday’s Mass and the liturgical season with the children.
We are always looking for a few volunteers
We are always actively looking for adults who might be interested in becoming involved with our Children’s Liturgy for the Word program. It is a vibrant and growing program in need of additional adult participation. Our current volunteers are few in number but very capable and committed. The lessons are based on the readings of the week taken from the Children’s Lectionary. The readings will be supplied as well as suggestions and guidelines for discussion.
If you have any questions or you are interested in joining our group, contact Keri Misurell at the parish center or email