Contact: Stephen Powers (Music Director & Organist):
973-744-2850 ex 5054
A vital part of our worship here at St. Cassian. The goal of all music in worship is to support the prayer of those who have assembled. All who come here for liturgy are encouraged to raise their voices in song and actively take their part in the celebration of the Mass.
Our Cantors
They are highly trained in the singing of the psalms and to be leaders of congregational song.
The Parish Choir
Composed of 30 voices to serve the liturgical prayer of St. Cassian Church. This primary choral ensemble of our parish community provides musical leadership and sings music of many styles from chant to contemporary to help create and support a spirit of prayer in our liturgies. In addition to its liturgical responsibilities, the Choir sings the very popular Candlelight Carol Sing in December which is now in its fourteenth year. In 2001, the Choir was invited to the Vatican where they sang a Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica and for Pope John Paul II. In November, 2016, the choir returned to Italy and sang at the Vatican, Assisi, and Florence. Membership is open to anyone 14 years of age and up. It is not required that you be able to read music. Rehearsals are Thursdays, 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. The choir sings at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday mass from September to June, all Holy Week services, and other major feasts throughout the Liturgical Year.

For worship regularly include our fine Schantz pipe organ. Occasionally, handbells and orchestral instruments are added to further enhance our Eucharistic celebrations.
Our concerts take place in St. Cassian on occasion, most recently in May, 2017, when the choir presented the same concert they gave at St. Ignaius Church in Rome
If you have any questions or are interested in our music ministries, please contact Stephen Powers, 973-744-2850 ex 5054.