Adult Faith Enrichment
Offers programs providing knowledge of scripture and education of the faith.
Altar Servers
Assist the celebrant at Mass and special liturgies.
Baptismal Team
Children’s Liturgy
Age appropriate liturgy lessons for ages 3 through the fifth grade each Sunday at the 9:00am Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist
Help with the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass and to those unable to attend Mass.
Food Collection
Regular food donations are distributed to various food pantries supported by Catholic Charities.
Home School Association
Encourages smooth communications between the school and home, financial and volunteer support of parent/school projects.
Contact: Beth Stivers
Create a warm welcome atmosphere in an outreach to visitors and parishioners by providing refreshments and sharing in fellowship after Sunday Masses.
Job Seekers
Provides a cross-reference of professional contacts in the parish and community.
Knights of Columbus
For Catholic men eighteen years of age and older, who want to be part of a family-oriented charitable organization.
Contact: John Marrin, P.G.K -1277
Proclaim the Word of God on Sunday and at Holy Day Liturgies.
Marriage Encounter
A weekend of Christian renewal for couples.
Contact: Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Enhances the experience of the liturgy through the use of vocal and instrumental music.
Our Little Brothers & Sisters
Annual used clothing drive.
Faith Formation
Religious classes are offered for students in grades one through eight. Children receive weekly instruction and preparation for sacraments.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Instruction for adults who wish to become new members of the Catholic faith. Meet weekly from Mid-September through Easter.
Rosary/Altar Society
Get closer to Jesus through the rosary, meditation, and spiritual study of the Virgin Mary.
Contact: Pat O’Grady
School Foundation
Attract financial support for equipment, materials, programs, and capital improvements.
Contact: Lisa Schemy
Assist in such activities as seating worshippers, collections, and general parishioner assistance.
Youth Group 180
Social, spiritual, serving, and educational programs for youths from Grades 9 through 12.