Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place at the 9:30 Mass and is an opportunity for children to hear the living and active word of God interpreted for them, leading them to deeper faith.
Dismissed from Mass as the Liturgy of the Word begins, children are escorted to Larkin Hall where they hear the Scripture readings proclaimed in child friendly terms.
The Word becomes alive and present to the children as discussion unfolds. Lessons are based on the Loyola Press Sunday Connection. In addition, children experience active participation in the liturgy through the ritual language of symbol, gesture, posture and space. Children are escorted back to the church where they join their families for the continuation of the Mass – the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Are you called to be a Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leader?
You are invited to be a Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leader!
It starts when we say ”I believe” with a humble heart that says “Yes” to living as a disciple of Jesus. Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a gift that allows us to teach others on a weekly basis to do the same. It is a desire to surround parish children with a community of leaders who love, understand and practice the faith. It is a willingness to share God’s love story for us.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Children’s Liturgy of the Word leader. We want to answer your questions as you prayerfully discern if this ministry is right for you. Please review the resources below and reach out with questions or to connect for discussion. Call or email Keri Misurell, Director of Faith Formation at (973-744-2850 ) or
We need Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leaders and Helpers for 2025!!
Ministry Requirements
If you are 18+ and interested in volunteering for this important Ministry, you will be required to complete a volunteer application as well as completing “Protecting God’s Children” training. The application and training are required for all adults who volunteer with the children of the Archdiocese of Newark to provide a safe environment for our children. Young people in 8th grade and above are also appreciated as Children’s Liturgy of the Word Helpers – please call the parish office to volunteer as a Helper.
Adult Leaders:
- Download the Volunteer application.
- Print and complete the application.
- Return the application to the Parish Office.
Child Safety
St Cassian and the Archdiocese of Newark are committed to the safety of our students. All those who work with children in any capacity (even as volunteers) must meet the requirements of the Archdiocese of Newark, including attending mandatory training and passing a background check. Learn more about the requirements below.