You’re Invited to be a Catechist
It starts when we say “I believe,” with a humble heart that says “yes” to living as a disciple of Jesus. Catechesis is a gift that allows us to formally teach others on a weekly basis to do the same. It is a desire to surround people of all ages with a community of believers who love, understand, and practice the faith. It is a willingness to share God’s love story for us.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a catechist. We want to answer your questions as you prayerfully discern if this ministry is right for you. Please review the resources below and reach out with questions or to connect for discussion. Call or email:
- Keri Misurell, Director of Faith Formation
- (973) 744-2850 or
We Need Catechists and Helpers for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Classes begin in September and run through the third week in May.
- Download the Volunteer Application.
- Print and complete the application.
- Return the application to the Parish Office.
- Once we receive your application, a staff member will contact you to discuss next steps.
What’s Involved in Being a Catechist?
The role of the catechist is patterned after Jesus’ approach on the road to Emmaus: accompanying, teaching, and sharing in the Eucharist. As a catechist, you’ll plan and facilitate classes throughout the year. You will receive support (printed, digital and human) and opportunities to deepen your faith. We appreciate that you may have questions or concerns and are happy to support you throughout your process of discernment. Let us ease your concerns.
Child Safety
St. Cassian and the Archdiocese of Newark are committed to the safety of our students. All those who work with children in any capacity (even as volunteers) must meet the requirements of the Archdiocese of Newark, including attending mandatory training and passing a background check. Learn more about the requirements below.